You are here: Stock Purchases > Stock Purchase Settings

Stock Purchase Settings

Yes/No Options

Go to Setup > Yes/No Options > Confirmation Tab.






Go to: Back Office > Setup > Yes/No Options > Stock Control





Global Options
Programmable Barcodes in Stock Purchases

Programmable Bar Codes for Stock Purchases can be configured by going to Setup > Global Options > Purchases > Programmable Barcodes.



Prefix – All barcodes starting with this prefix will be considered as a programmable barcode.

Field 1 – Choose either Stock Code or Department Code.

Field 2 – Choose either Price or Qty.

Position Fields – Enter the starting position for Field 1 & 2.

Length Fields – Enter the length of the fields for Field 1 & 2.

Decimal Point – Enter the decimal point position when using Price for Field 2.


User Permissions

Various permissions can be configured for User accounts to control what they can and can't access.


Go to Setup > Users > Modify a User other than Admin > Transactions > Stock Control.



The File > Stock Control > Stock Items > Supplier Codes User Permission is applied to Stock Purchases - when you browse Supplier Stock Codes it hides the "New" button.